Oshi No Ko Chapter 4 delves deeper into the world of manga writers, continuing to unravel the dark secrets of the entertainment industry. Initially presenting itself as a slice-of-life story centered around idol Ai and her two children, the narrative takes an unexpected turn, focusing on Ai’s son, Aqua, and his sister, Ruby. Aqua is driven by a past life memory of his mother’s murder, determined to find the culprit.
In this chapter, we meet Kana Arima, a former child actor, now struggling in her career. Despite being labeled the “expired child actor,” Kana seizes the opportunity to be the main character in a drama, even if it means lowering her acting standards. Aqua, with his surprising skills and insight into filmmaking, aids in improving the show.
The story highlights the challenges faced by even famous individuals and geniuses within the entertainment industry. It also underscores the theme of addressing internet trolls and negative fanfare.
As Aqua and Ruby embark on their journey in an entertainment school, they encounter new challenges. Ruby makes friends, including model Minami Kotobuki and the famous actress Frill Shiranuri. Aqua’s protective instincts come into play as he seeks to ensure Ruby’s success and safety in the industry.
The chapter ends with Aqua’s idea to bring Kana Arima into their agency, potentially setting the stage for her transformation into a popular idol. Meanwhile, Aqua’s investigation into his mother’s murder may lead him into a reality dating show, adding a layer of intrigue to the unfolding narrative.
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